Out of State Arrest Warrants
The thought or possibility of being detained on an out of state arrest warrant can be taxing. This can be a difficult and trying event, but it’s one that you’ll want to handle responsibly in order to make the process as simple as possible. The help of a good bail bondsman can often help make the situation easier. Things become more complicated when you have out-of-state arrest warrants. Just because you leave a state where you committed a crime does not mean the crime will go away. There are jurisdictional issues, of course, but you will often be asked to answer for your accused crime no matter where you end up. Here are some things to know if you find yourself in the midst of this difficulty.
Can you get arrested for a warrant in another state?
This is one of the most asked questions for those who find themselves in legal trouble. Can you get arrested for a warrant in another state? The short answer is “yes.” If you have an out-of-state warrant, there are several different things that can happen. The result will typically depend on what the arrest warrant is for. If you have an arrest warrant for a felony crime, then you will almost certainly be arrested in another state. For misdemeanors, most states will not extradite people who have been arrested. This means that if you happen to have a Mississippi warrant and you’re stopped in Florida, the authorities in Florida may choose to not execute the State Arrest Warrants for most misdemeanors.
However, many states will choose to arrest and extradite if you happen to have an outstanding warrant for a sex-related misdemeanor. In all cases, it is important to know that the real answer is that “it depends.” A bench warrant may be executed at the discretion of the officer or department that pulls you over or finds you in that second state.
What could happen if you don’t turn yourself in?
If you have a bench warrant, perhaps the best thing to do is to consult an attorney for legal advice, turn yourself in, and make use of a bond service like All-Pro Bail Bonds to get out of jail. If you don’t turn yourself in, then you could possibly be opening yourself up to other charges. In some cases, the failure to turn yourself in could be construed as an attempt to flee. If the charge is considered serious and your actions are intentional attempts to subvert police, then you could be considered a fugitive from justice. In these instances, police may add on more charges.
Perhaps most importantly, it can be difficult for you to get a reasonable bail if you don’t turn yourself in. Those who are proactive in attempting to clear a bench warrant are more likely to be released on their own recognizance.
How does state jurisdiction work?
State jurisdiction is relatively simple. Officers have jurisdiction to enforce the law within their state. If you commit a crime in Arizona, for instance, the authorities in Arizona have the right to charge you and investigate that crime. However, a person can be arrested on a bench warrant in another state, All investigations and prosecution will happen in the jurisdiction where the case or warrant originated.